Hi folks, Rick here again - your friendly fitness blogger and fitness pro from Singapore . For this particular blog post, I like to look at the concept of TOTAL FITNESS - a notion that has often been mis-understood, mis-represented and even totally abused by some segments of the fitness populace (and to my knowledge, even some members from the professional fitness fraternity!) To clarify once and for all, , FITNESS - in its totality , refers to NOT just 1, 2 or some of the components of fitness, but rather to ALL , and EACH and EVERY component of fitness, from: cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, balance, power, coordination to even body composition. Thus, if somebody were to say he/she is 'FIT" - then it should be taken to mean that he/she has achieved mastery or excellence in each and every of the above-mentioned categories, since fitness encompasses all that ...
News and tips on fitness for the mid-life, senior and older adult population - the GYMLESS way!